Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Quick Update and Book News

Isn't Bullocks Wilshire a glorious sight? It is a great joy and honor for us to share our favorite Art Deco spots with you!

We wanted to let you know that we will be taking a bit of a break from blogging. We're in the editing phase of writing our book, so that's going to be our focus for a bit. The book is going to give you the scoop on some incredibly special--and very glam--Old Hollywood spots that you can visit, along with lots of insider tips to make your visit the best visit ever.

So please keep in touch with us! We're on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram @ArtDecoDivas (updating them daily), and we will be popping in here on the blog from time to time.

Love and ZigZag Moderne,
Lara and Cori